Adult Class Offerings
Class Offerings for Adults
The Alliance Française d’Albuquerque, founded over 60 years ago, is our local, independent chapter of the international Federation of Alliances Françaises, the largest network of French language and cultural centers in the world. With over 800 chapters in more than 130 countries, the Alliance Française is dedicated to promoting French language and culture, and to fostering friendly relations between Francophones and Francophiles of all racial, ethnic and national origins. The School and the French for Children program admit students of any race, color, creed, sexual orientation and national or ethnic origin.
The Alliance School offers courses in French on all levels taught by highly qualified instructors who are native or near-native speakers. Although the majority of our classes will continue to meet on Zoom, we will offer select in-person classes. Our offices are conveniently located at 2917 Carlisle NE, suites 110 and 211. Zoom classes are held for 4-9 students while in-person classes are held for 4-10 students. (If only three students enroll, the tuition is $20/hr/person). The textbooks used in each course are available for purchase in our office or may be found online.
Course Descriptions
The Alliance School offers two types of courses conducted in French. Conversational French language classes introduce students to grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation while emphasizing communication. Advanced seminars are for students who have already studied French and wish to maintain or increase their fluency. Our small classes allow for more personalized attention and active participation in a friendly classroom setting that helps students gain confidence in speaking French.
Registration Information
***BEFORE REGISTERING, PLEASE NOTE: If this is your first Alliance course, please contact us at or 505-872-9288 for assistance in placement and/or to schedule a placement interview. This will help us to ensure that every student enrolls in a class that is the right level for his/her abilities. Merci!
Tuition and Membership
Tuition for each course is based on a fee of $15 per hour of instruction. Alliance Française membership is required to enroll in our classes. Rates for the calendar year are $24 for those enrolling as a student in any AF course, $38 for families. Single non-student memberships are $29. Those enrolling in a summer or fall class, or joining or renewing their membership after July 1, may pay the pro-rated fee of $12 for an Alliance student membership ($19 for families, $14.50 for single). Members receive our newsletter and announcements of events, have library privileges, and are invited to join in our social and cultural activities including lectures, films, dinners, lively celebrations of French holidays and monthly gatherings like Café Causette.
We ask that your registration form and payment reach us, either via our website and PayPal, or via mail with a check sent to co-director, Karin Frings, prior to the first day of class. PLEASE NOTE: Fees are refundable should the class be cancelled; however, no refunds will be allowed after the first week of class and tuition is not transferable from one session to another. IF you have not received a confirmation of your class three days before the scheduled start date, we may not have received your registration, so please contact us at or 505-872-9288.
For all further information and for registration, please email or call 505-872-9288. Merci!
School Calendar ~ 2025 ~ Starting dates
- Winter session: January 6
- Spring Session: April 4
- Summer Session: June 23
- Fall Session: Sept. 3
- Intersession: November 24
Private Tutoring
Private tutoring is available for all Alliance members and students, primarily via Zoom or Skype, although we may be able to offer some lessons in our offices. For in-person tutoring, we may ask for proof of vaccination. As of January 1, 2022, rates are $42 per hour for one person; $54 per hour for two people and $60 per hour for three or four people. After the first meeting, you may pay in advance for 4 sessions. If you are unable to attend a session, your fee will be refunded if you notify the instructor at least 8 hours in advance to reschedule.
Please call 505-872-9288 or send an email to for more information and to purchase online or in-person tutoring.
French for Children
A fun way to learn French! Learn about French language and culture through games, songs and basic conversation. For more information on classes or tutoring (for ages 4-14), please call FFC Director, Karin Frings at 505-821-4169 or email
~Pratiquez votre français~
Become an Alliance member or follow Alliance Française d’Albuquerque on Facebook for a variety of online and in-person lectures & cultural offerings. AF Members are invited via email to our Fête du 14 juillet, Fête du Beaujolais Nouveau, Café Causette, Apéros, lectures, and Soirées Jeux ou Film. Of course, we invite you to join a class for even more opportunities to speak French!
See the Events page for more details.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
The Alliance Française School admits students of any race, color, creed, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs and other school-administered programs.
Spring 2025 French Courses
Class Schedule Updates
Updates to the original schedule will be posted here.Spring classes start on the dates listed below but may be postponed 1-2 weeks until minimum enrollment is reached. Students will be contacted by phone or by email 2 days before the scheduled starting date with a confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation, we may not have received your registration, or the class may have been postponed. Please contact, C. Simmons at 505-280-9031, or K. Frings at 505-821-4169 to verify a class confirmation or postponement.
ZOOM or IN PERSON? Select classes are offered in person or on Zoom. The registration form will allow you to indicate your preference. Based on your responses, we will choose the format which accommodates the most students for that course.
More information about textbooks can be found on our textbooks page.
Bonjour le français! Learn the essentials for everyday communication and conversations.
Texts: Beginners I uses Inspire 1 (A1) $35 & Cahier d\'activités $25. These books will be used into our Intermediates level. False Beginners & Beginners II use Contacts, 7th ed. ($15). See Textbooks page.
Beginners I ~ On Zoom | April 16 |
The ideal course for those who have
never studied French. Become familiar with the French alphabet, pronunciation and some foundations of French grammar while learning basic greetings and exchanges. Inspire I (A1), the new textbook and workbook, will be used into our Intermediate level classes and comes with plenty of online audio exercises!
With Nandi Egber | Wednesdays | 12:00-1:30pm* | 10 weeks | $225 |
* Please let us know if you can only take an evening class.
False Beginners (Contacts, 1-6) ~ On Zoom | April 4, 7, 9 & 11 |
You'd like to review the material you learned in our Beginners I class or are ready to revive the French you learned in the past. These 6 hours of intensive instruction will prepare you to join Beginners II.
With Nandi Egber | Mon. Wed. & 2 Fridays | 6:00-7:30pm | 6 hours | $90 |
Beginners II (Contacts, 7-10) ~ On Zoom | April 15 |
This is the sequel to Beg. I or False Beginners. Grammar: interrogatives, stress pronouns, indefinite & def. articles, avoir, il y a, adjectives, aller, futur proche, chez, possessives, counting from 100. Conversation: Asking questions, describing people and objects, leisure activities, asking for directions.
With Penelope Lespinasse | Tuesdays | 7:00-8:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Beginning French for Travelers ~ On Zoom | April 13 |
Planning a trip to France? Learn some practical French quickly to make your trip more enjoyable! Text: DK Eyewitness French Phrasebook & CD ($10).
With Penelope Lespinasse | Sundays | 7:00-8:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Continue to build a solid foundation in French! Textbook: Contacts 7th ed ($15).
Intermediates I (Contacts, 10-14) ~ In person | April 21 |
Grammar: -ir & -re verbs, comparative & superlative adjectives, expressions with faire & avoir, intro to passé composé. Conversation: shopping, clothing, weather, making plans, talking about the past.
With Lisa Pinceloup | Mondays | 5:30-7:000pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Intermediates I (Contacts, 10-14) ~ On Zoom | April 23 |
Grammar: -ir & -re verbs, comparative & superlative adjectives, expressions with faire & avoir, intro to passé composé. Conversation: shopping, clothing, weather, making plans, talking about the past.
With Lisa Pinceloup | Wednesdays | 5:30-7:00pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Intermediates II (Contacts, 15-18) ~ On Zoom | April 15 |
Grammar: passé composé with être, depuis, recent past, partitive article, irreg. verbs. Conversation: événements passés, vive les vacances, au menu.
With Penelope Lespinasse | Tuesdays | 5:00-6:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Intermediates III (Contacts, 19-21) ~ On Zoom | April 17 |
Grammaire, lectures choisies et conversations animées! Grammar: irreg. verbs, direct & indirect object pronouns. Conversation: les études & sujets divers.
With Nandi Egber | Thursdays | 6:00-7:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Int. II-III: Conversation Intermédiaire ~ On Zoom | April 14 |
Start the spring
en français! Through relaxed discussions of French culture and everyday topics, this course offers an enjoyable way to refresh your skills and build your fluency.
With Maria Ross | Mondays | 10:00am-11:30am | 10 weeks | $225 |
Focus on your speaking skills while advancing in your study of French to more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary.
Advanced I (Contacts, 22-25): Parlez du passé! ~ On Zoom | April 14 |
Grammaire: pronoms relatifs (qui & que), passé composé & imparfait, pronoms y & en. Conversation: sujets divers.
With Penelope Lespinasse | Mondays | 6:00-7:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Adv. I-III Atelier de Phonétique: Sound French! ~ In person or on Zoom** | April 11 |
Nasal (and voiced) vowels, the elusive French \"R,\" liaison, enchaînement, French intonation and more! Focus on key elements of French pronunciation to improve your accent as well as your comprehension of spoken French.
With Maria Ross | Fridays | 1:30-2:30pm | 10 weeks | $150 |
**Class could meet on Zoom or in person depending on student preference.
Advanced II (Contacts, 26-29) | Fall 2025 |
Build on what you have learned and improve your French through continued grammar studies ( verbes pronominaux, adjectifs irréguliers, futur régulier et irrégulier, la construction ‘si’ + présent), plus enjoyable readings and engaging conversations.
This course will be offered in FALL 2025.With To be announced | TBA | | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III (Contacts, 30-32) ~ On Zoom | April 17 |
Work to complete your study of basic French grammar accompanied by short readings and lively discussions of French culture and more ! Grammaire : le futur, le conditionnel, le subjonctif présent.
With Penelope Lespinasse | Thursdays | 6:15-7:15pm | 10 weeks | $150 |
Advanced III (Contacts, 30-33) ~ In person | April 16 |
Complete your study of basic French grammar accompanied by short readings and lively discussions of French culture and more ! Grammaire : le futur, le conditionnel, le subjonctif présent, révision des pronoms compléments d’objet direct et indirect, y et en. Conversation : sujets divers.
With Karin Frings | Wednesdays | 5:30-7:00pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III (Contacts, 32-33) ~ In person | April 10 |
Wrap up your staudy of basic French grammar with the final lessons of Contacts. Grammaire: subjonctif et tous les pronoms. Conversation: sujets divers.
With Maria Ross | Thursdays | 4:00-5:30pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III/III+: Parlez français avec Patricia! ~ On Zoom | Apr25, May9 16 30; Jun6 20 27 |
Finissez votre semaine avec un peu de français! Participez à des dialogues vivants et échangez de manière authentique pour améliorer votre fluidité en français.
With Patricia Dardant | Fridays | 2:00-3:00pm | 7 weeks | $105 |
Advanced III+ : Lecture, conversation & grammaire ~ On Zoom | April 9 |
Révision de grammaire en utilisant
Discovering French Rouge (disponible dans notre bureau) et lecture de nouvelles. Conversations dynamiques sur des sujets variés!
With Maria Ross | Wednesdays | 5:15-6:45pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III+: Everyday Situational French ~ In person | April 11 |
Looking for a communication class focused on using and improving your French in daily life? This hands-on class is the perfect fit! Focusing on real-life situations, you will have the opportunity to practice using French for everyday situations and conversations.
With Maria Ross | Fridays | 10:00-11:30am | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III+ Un peu de tout (11am) ~ On Zoom | April 8-April 29 |
Un peu de tout – révision de grammaire, phonétique, compréhension orale, lectures courtes et beaucoup de discussion.
With Carolyn Simmons | Tuesdays | 11:00am-12:30pm | 4 weeks | $90 |
Advanced III+ Un peu de tout (1pm) ~ On Zoom | April 8-April 29 |
Un peu de tout – révision de grammaire, phonétique, compréhension orale, lectures courtes et beaucoup de discussion.
With Carolyn Simmons | Tuesdays | 1:00-2:30pm | 4 weeks | $90 |
Advanced Seminars
Vous parlez bien mais vous désirez affiner votre niveau, enrichir votre vocabulaire et approfondir vos connaissances.
Advanced III+/IV: Dictées! On Zoom | Apr 28, May 12, Jun 2, 9, 23 |
Testez votre compréhension orale et expression écrite avec 2-3 dictées suivies de correction et discussion des difficultés.
With Patricia Dardant | Mondays | 2:00 - 3:00pm | 5 weeks | $75 |
Advanced III+/IV: Cosmopolite B2 ~ On Zoom | April 24-June 26 |
Immergez-vous dans le français de la vie quotidienne tout en améliorant votre compréhension et expression orale et écrite. Dossier 2, leçon 3 & dossier 3. Grammaire: les comparatifs et superlatifs; y et en. Conversation : les souvenirs d’enfance, la culture Manuel: Cosmopolite 4 B2, 2019 $33 (disponible à l’AF Abq).
With Patricia Dardant | Thursdays | 10:00am-12:00pm | 10 weeks | $300 |
Advanced III+/IV: Conversation avancée avec Maria ~ On Zoom | April 7 |
Venez parler de thèmes divers tels le voyage, le travail, la culture, les pays francophones et biens d'autres encore ! De plus, vous êtes libres de venir avec des idées de sujets dont vous aimeriez parler.
With Maria Ross | Mondays | 2:30-4:00pm | 10 weeks | $225 |
Advanced III+/IV: Cercle de lecture 14h ~ On Zoom- Au Bonheur des dames | April 23-May 22 |
Lisez et discutez d'Au Bonheur des dames: Un roman d'ambition et de désir par Emile Zola. (Disponible sur Amazon & Kindle - version de 510 pages).
With Patricia Dardant | Wednesdays | 2:00-3:00pm | 5 weeks | $75 |
Advanced III+/IV: Cercle de lecture 15h30 ~ On Zoom - Au Bonheur des dames | April 23-May 22 |
Lisez et discutez d'Au Bonheur des dames: Un roman d'ambition et de désir par Emile Zola. (Disponible sur Amazon & Kindle - version de 510 pages).
With Patricia Dardant | Wednesdays | 3:30-4:30pm | 5 weeks | $75 |
Advanced IV: Cosmopolite 5 (C1) ~ On Zoom | Apr25; May9 16 30;Jun6 20 27 |
Pour nos étudiants les plus avancés, venez perfectionner votre grammaire tout en parlant comme un moulin à paroles avec Cosmopolite 5 (Hachette 2020). Dossier 7 : vague à l'âme; Dossier 8 : d'innombrables langues francaises ; expression de l'hypothèse avec si. (Manuel disponible à l'AF Abq pour $33, ou sur Amazon, offert par Foreign Books Illinois).
With Patricia Dardant | Fridays | 9:45-11:15am | 7 weeks | $157.50 |
Adv IV Conversation C1: Potpourri matinal ~ On Zoom | April 29-June 3 |
Pour nos étudiants les plus avancés, venez parler d'un potpourri de sujets intéressants.
With Patricia Dardant | Tuesdays | 10:00-11:00am | 5 weeks | $75 |
Click here to print a PDF of the 2025 Spring Class Schedule
Click here to print a PDF of Alliance School general information